
We have a dynamic team of experienced people in LANSA, and an impressive, and influential advisory group

Sangeetha Rosemarie Rajeesh

Sangeetha Rajeesh is a PhD Candidate of Strategic Communication at the Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS), Wageningen University, The Netherlands. She holds a Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication, is an Environmnt Journalism Fellow from International Institute of Journalism, Berlin Germany, and Media Fellow from National Media Foundation, New Delhi. Sangeetha was Contributor to Rural 21- Germany, Global Press Institute - US, New York Times India Ink, and has worked with leading National newspapers in India. She was also Media Researcher - Panos South Asia; Consultant Researcher – ActionAid; and Consultant-Author/photographer for International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Sangeetha is Former Editor, Press Institute of India & Research Institute for Newspaper Development. She was also Web Documentor for UNICEF, ActionAid and CCF Canada in India. 


Sangeetha Rajeesh is Research Uptake and Communications Manager for LANSA based at MSSRF, and is responsible for research uptake and communications for the LANSA Consortium.

Sidra Mazhar

Sidra Mazhar is a Research Officer at the Collective for Social Science Research and has previously worked on disaster management, co-ordination and risk reduction in humanitarian aid sector.Her areas of interest are health and food security. Sidra has an MSc and BSc in Economics from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS).


Sidra is part of the LANSA Pakistan research team. 

Stuart Gillespie

A Senior Research Fellow at IFPRI and theme leader on nutrition policy, Stuart Gillespie has initiated and managed several large-scale, multi-partner projects and networks including the Agriculture and Health Research Platform, TANDI and Transform Nutrition. After being awarded a PhD in Human Nutrition from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 1988, and prior to joining IFPRI in 1999, Stuart worked with a range of organizations including the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition, UNICEF, World Bank, FAOWFP, USAIDADB, Micronutrient Initiative on nutrition and food security in Asia. Stuart has published 142 papers and 9 books.


Stuart is the Research Directors for LANSA and is part of the Management team. Stuart leads the research theme, enabling environment for nutrition.  

Suneetha Kadiyala

A Senior Lecturer in nutrition-sensitive development at LSHTM and LCIRAH, Suneetha Kadiyala is exploring the intersection of the structural determinants of health and nutrition security, with a focus on informing nutrition-sensitive policies and programmes in developing countries. 

While at IFPRI, Suneetha led several large and complex research initiatives on HIV and nutrition security (RENEWAL); agriculture and nutrition linkages (TANDI) and direct nutrition interventions (POSHAN). Suneetha has extensive experience in Africa and South Asia.


Suneetha leads a feasibility study of an intervention that integrates behaviour change communications to improve caring practices of infants and young children, into a programme that promotes improved agricultural practices. 


Zeenat Ahmed

Zeenat is an Information and Communication professional with experience in research, programme management, research dissemination, editing and publishing, organisational communication strategy and a keen interest in knowledge management. She worked for a long time in CIRDAP, a  regional organisation for rural development in Asia and the Pacific and briefly at the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development. Zeenat did her Masters in Economics from Dhaka University.


Zeenat is the Lead Research Uptake for LANSA in Bangladesh.


South Asia Focus

Funded by UK DFID

This research has been funded by the UK Government’s Department for International Development; however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK Government’s official policies



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