LANSA hosts the 'Pulses for Addressing Malnutrition' session

LANSA supported a session titled, Pulses for addressing malnutrition

Strengthening capacity to use research

Training workshops hailed a success by stakeholders

LANSA’s stakeholders are the people who have an interest in our research. They are usually part of organizations that are either influential or supportive of improving nutrition through agriculture and agri-food systems. These stakeholders are at the heart of LANSA’s research uptake strategy.

What does new HANCI say about political will to reduce undernutrition in South Asia?

The new HANCI index: assessing political commitment to reduce hunger and undernutrition

The 2013 Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index (HANCI) is out. HANCI ranks countries in terms of their political commitment to reduce hunger and undernutrition.


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South Asia Focus

Funded by UK DFID

This research has been funded by the UK Government’s Department for International Development; however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK Government’s official policies



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